Call for Papers

4th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software
Engineering for Blockchain – WETSEB 2021

Co-located with:

ICSE 2021   Sat 23 – Fri 29,   May 202021  –   Madrid, Spain

The Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain inherits from the past eight editions of WETSoM (Workshop on Emerging Trends on Software Metrics) the challenges of gathering together researchers interested in emerging topics and trends in software engineering.

The Workshop’s goal is to discuss on the progresses and on open problems in the ongoing research and on the application of
Software Engineering to Blockchain Software Systems, gathering together practitioners and researchers from academia and
form industry. This concerns the blockchain technology, the smart contracts software, the integration between blockchain and
external components, such as interfaces and Dapps, and all the technologies relying on it. The workshop calls researches on
modelling languages, domain specific languages, tools, paradigms, principles, approaches to deal with the new challenges posed
by Blockchain technology to software engineers and for a specific Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (BOSE) [1].

This year we also solicit contributions on Early Research Achievements (ERA) from Ph.D. students and young researcher on the field.


  • Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering
  • Blockchain software analysis and reengineering
  • Formal specification of Blockchain behavior
  • Agile and Lean processes for Blockchain software development
  • Tools for Blockchain software distributed development and community management
  • Smart Contracts reengineering
  • Security and reliability in Blockchain and Smart Contracts
  • Smart Contract Testing (SCT)
  • Blockchain Transaction Testing (BTT) to ensure status integrity
  • Blockchain Software architecture, design notation and metamodels.
  • Smart Contracts Software architecture, design notation and metamodels.
  • Software Engineering for Blockchain
  • Applications in Economy and Finance, Internet of Things, Notarization, Supply chain management
  • Web 3.0 – e-commerce, e-health, e-democracy, social networks, etc .


[1] Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering, S. Porru, A. Pinna, M Marchesi, R. Tonelli, ICSE 2017