Workshop Program
March 18 2022
The workshop will be held on March 18th 2022.
Speakers will have 15 minutes for the talk + 5 minutes for answering questions
The link for the event on zoom will be provided for people not attending the conference
The time schedule refers to EU Central time.
14:00 -14:10 Welcome to the 5th edition of IWBOSE
14:10 – 14:30 | Henrique Rocha and John Businge
Blockchain-Oriented Software Variant Forks: A Preliminary Study. |
14:30 – 14:50 | Giuseppe Antonio Pierro and Andy Amoordon
A Tool to check the Ownership of Solana’s Smart Contracts |
14:50 – 15:10 | Jihyeon Kim, Dahyeon Jeong, Jisoo Kim and Eun-Sun Cho
Stone: A Privacy Policy Enforcement System for Smart Contracts |
15: 10 – 15:30 | Andrea Pinna and Roberto Tonelli
On the use of Petri nets in Smart Contracts modeling, generation, and verification. |
15:30 – 15:40
Coffee break
15: 40 – 16:00 | Giacomo Francesco Ibba and Marco Ortu
Analysis Of The Relationship Between Smart Contracts’ Categories and Vulnerabilities |
16:00 – 16:20 | Giuseppe Antonio Pierro and Roberto Tonelli
Can Solana be the Solution to the Blockchain Scalability Problem? |
16:20 – 16:40 | Konstantinos Tsiounis and Kostas Kontogiannis
Goal and Policy Based Code Generation and Deployment of Smart Contracts |
16:40- 17:00 | Maria Ilaria Lunesu, Alessandro Floris, Raimondo Cossu and Marco Uras:
A Blockchain-based Data Notarization System for Smart Mobility Services |
17:00 – 17:10 Concluding remarks |
Concluding remarks |