Agile Group is the Research Group on Software Engineering at the University of Cagliari.
It is named after the fact that it has been the first university group to study Agile Software Development Methodologies, since 1998. The Agile Group organized on May, 2000 the first international conference on “Agile Processes and eXtreme Programming in Software Engineering”, known as “XP2000”. This conference, now called “International Conference on Agile Software Development” and managed by Agile Alliance, will hold its 22nd edition in 2021; it is the leading international scientific conference on Agile Methodologies.
The main research fields of Agile Group are:
- Agile and Lean Methodologies for software development
- Study of cryptocurrencies, study of Blockchain, Smart Contracts and their applications — Blockchain-Oriented Software Engineering (BOSE)
- Software Product and Process Metrics
- Open source software, object-oriented frameworks for software development
- Heterogeneous agent modeling and simulation of financial and economic systems
- Knowledge Management and Semantic Web
Major Achievements of Agile Group:
- First university research group to study Agile Methodologies — organizer of the first and most important scientific conference on the subject.
- Pioneers of Econophysics Studies. The paper ‘Scaling and criticality in a stochastic multi-agent model of a financial market‘ by T Lux and M Marchesi, Nature vol. 397, 1999 is considered the most influential paper on the subject, according to a quantitative analysis of the citations made in: Yan-Bo Zhou et al. New J. Phys. vol.14, 2012.
- Pioneers of the application of advanced statistical mechanics techniques to software metrics. The paper “Power-Laws in a Large Object-Oriented Software System ”, by Giulio Concas, Michele Marchesi, Sandro Pinna, and Nicola Serra, IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, vol. 33, 2007, was the first work on the topic published on a leading software engineering journal.
- Founders and organizers in 2010 of the Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), Int. Conf. On Software Engineering (ICSE). WETSoM workshop was held from 2010 to 2017.
- Among the first research groups working on cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, since 2014. We authored various papers on international journals and conferences on this subject.
- We are the proposers of “Blockchain-Oriented Software Engineering” (BOSE): the study of the application of software engineering principles to blockchain application development. The paper “Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering: Challenges and New Directions”, presented at the IEEE-ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), was awarded at the Blockchain Connect Conference: Academic 2019, held in San Francisco (CA) on 11 January 2019, as judged among the fifty most influential articles of 2018 on Blockchain topic.
- Creators and organizers in 2018 of the first world workshop on the topic: 1st International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE), a SANER event – IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, which is still held today.
- Creators and organizers in 2018 also of the International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain (WETSEB), an event of the Int. Conf. On Software Engineering (ICSE), which is still held today.
- A paper recently appeared in Journal of Systems and Software lists 2 researchers of the Agile Group among the 6 “Top blockchain authors for software engineering”.